Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Glitter mani and pedicures

Sometimes, you just want to paint your nails another colour. While Schadenfreude skins come with a selection of 4 nails, that doesn't cover everything. Sets of matching manicures and pedicures, in bright glitters:

Fingernails are reasonably in the same area on all skins, although not exact- but they should work fairly decently. Toenails aren't even a little, they vary wildly by skinmaker, so I can't make any guarantees these will work with any skins other than Schadenfreude skins. There are glove and sock nails only- no prim nails. I don't wear prim nails, the whole floating when my hands change thing...not my thing (and with the animation hand priority bug, even wearing an AO made with that in mind doesn't get around it, in my experience).

Available separately by colour, and in a fatpack of all 7.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Langwidere skins: Rock&Roll Suicide

8 makeups with mixed glitter, each skin also comes with 4 different nail options (finger and toe match): clear, black, red, and blue.

(Hair is Kensei 2 from Truth, vest is aesthete by ~silentsparrow~, pants are Aqua Bixin from Schadenfreude, eyes are Miriel Silver Screen, pose by Penny Dreadful Arcade)

At the elephant.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Langwidere skins: Diamond Dogs

A rainbow of 6 glitter makeups, each skin also comes with 4 different nail options (finger and toe match): clear, black, red, and blue.

(Hair is Zoe from Calico Ingmann, pants are blue glitter latex pants from Sn@tch, necklace is Jazz Funeral from Balderdash, earrings are Jerry skulls from Schadenfreude, gloves are Azure Tease from Schadenfreude, eyes are Miriel Silver Screen, pose by Muism, boa is coming soon)

At the elephant.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Armoire: Jewelry Showcase

I'm sure you've gotten the idea that you should head to the The Armoire. It's a gorgeous build, with labyrinthine hedges separating the showcase pavilions. It's a fabulous showcase that lasts long enough you can brave the lag and actually see things! The hunt is easy and fun- gems spawned all over and often, and I was able to grab everything I needed just while exploring. (There are two parts to the hunt- there are freebies from each designer that require nothing other than hunting and assembly, and an extra present from each that requires hunting for the appropriate gemstones as well as a special component gathered from buying one of their items for sale.)

All five of the participating jewelers make the most amazing jewelry, and they span a variety of styles to suit all kinds of tastes.

Saiyge of Balderdash made these fabulous scenes for her pavilion- at times manned by models, I snuck in when they were empty to play.

Violet Voltaire had a special set as her bonus with purchase hunt gift- her new Melancholy set with drop flowers in white and silver.

Picture 1: Balderdash Malachite Patience earrings and choker, ~silentsparrow~ verdant Valerian (an RFL exclusive colour), miaSnow star tattoos, Schadenfreude Platform Buckle Boots, Miriel Absynth eyes, unreleased hair and skin

Picture 2: Balderdash Starlight Starbright earrings and necklace, ~silentsparrow~ verdant Valerian (an RFL exclusive colour), miaSnow star tattoos, Schadenfreude Platform Buckle Boots, Miriel Absynth eyes, unreleased hair and skin

Picture 3: Violet Voltaire special edition Melancholy earrings and necklace, [][]Trap[][] Grey Heart skin, ~silentsparrow~ verdant Valerian (an RFL exclusive colour), Schadenfreude Platform Buckle Boots, Miriel Absynth eyes, unreleased hair

The Armoire is only on a couple more days, so be sure to go by!
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