Thursday, May 22, 2014

You'd better duck, when I show up, the GooGooMuck

When the sun goes down and the moon comes up, I turn into a teenage GooGooMuck.

For Collabor88 this month, a pair of shoes and matching purse.  Both come in white polka dots on this month's theme colours, and 5 other patterns (poodles in pink and blue, skulls, retro fishies, and vintage Starlust- those of you who've been around a while might recognize some of the Starlust landmarks of days past: Fashionably Dead's dinosaur, the Pudgeburger, and one of the many incarnations of Thimbles).

Our hair by Clawtooth for this round of Collabor88.  The drape's in glasses and a necklace by Yummy, sweater by C'est La Vie, scarf by Katat0nik, skirt by Maitreya, stockings by Luxuria, pose by Luth.  The square's outfit and glasses are as well, skin by Fashionably Dead, pose by ploom.
Plant by artilleri, sideboard and lounge by floorplan, lamp and flamingo by Schadenfreude

The shoes come with a HUD- with just a single shoe, you have the option to change the soles between black and tan, and the heels between the pattern and a solid fabric.  If you have more than one, then you can start getting more creative- all HUDs will interlock (you can choose Add instead of Wear, and they will stack around each other), giving you the ability to change the base of the shoe and the trim as well.  There's also a pack of all 10 in one HUD for all the options for this round.  The shoes include versions for Slink feet, and versions for System feet, so you're covered either way (both pairs are also modify, so you can adjust them if you need to for a different foot size).

The purses also come with a HUD- if you just grab one, it's useless though!  If you have more than one, or the pack of all the options, you can mix purse base fabric and straps, so you aren't just locked into my choices.  The purses come with 5 hold options, left and right arms down, left and right hooked over the crook of the arm, and left holding up in the hand.  There are also 2 versions to rez, with the straps down instead of the purse hanging down from them, one closed, and one open.

This round of Collabor88 ends the 6th, to make room for the next!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Vestday with a cherry on top

Vestday is upon us!  I'm out super early (remember kiddies, it doesn't actually start until FRIDAY SLT actually happens) because I'm going to be off for the weekend plus (tomorrow/technically today at the stroke of one pm-ish I'm going to be swooped down upon and taken away and I'll be back, I dunno, Monday, Tuesday, whenever they decide to bring me home).  But!  It also just happened to be my vestday, so I got it out early!

This time your vests are accompanied by Jerry's Cherries, spooky skull cherry charms on a necklace and earrings.  There are three sizes of necklace charm included, that's the medium one.  The large is comically huge.

skin by Fashionably Dead, hair by tram (C88), glasses by Yummy (C88), dress by Katat0nik (C88), ears and eyes by Schadenfreude, pose by Imperial Elegance

And of course, the vests! A pair of leopard print again, a colourful one, and a desaturated grey print.

His hair by INK I think? for C88, skin by Clef de Peau (past Arcade), tshirt by Pig, pants by Shai, pose by LAP
her skin by Pink Fuel, bra by Luxuria, wings by ~silentsparrow~, skirt by Maitreya

All to be found at the elephant, for this Friday! (And until I'm returned home so I can log in, computer free weekend!)
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