Saturday, February 8, 2025

Schadenfreude Lovetini and Temple of Love

Romantic red drinks for Collabor88, garnished with SweetHearts of chocolate bonbons.  The Temple of Love is a twist on the traditional Shirley Temple, with a long cocktail arrow cocktail stick and a chocolate heart instead of cherries.  The Lovetini has also seen the addition of some grenadine for a sweeter and redder martini, with the olives replaced by a chocolate heart.

Both can be held in left or right hand, the Lovetini can be drunk held in either hand, the Temple of Love only works for drinking in the right hand (that straw's a bit too awkward for the left!).  Rezzable versions include dispensers that will give drinks to your guests.  There's a bonus rezzable version of the Temple of Love with particle bubbles- they are soothing to watch with their timing and motion, but don't work when moving due to limitations of SL's particle system.

PBR textures with fallbacks, also Blinn-Phong (old style) textures included.  The fallbacks are slightly different than the full Blinn-Phong versions, though the difference is subtle (again this is partly due to SL limitations).

It's a prom round, so I am joined in my booth by a special guest- get a sweet makeover from Adore&Abhor.

At Collabor88 February 8 - March 6.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Schadenfreude Mini Skull Bowl with Heart Candies

Shop & Hop is back for Valentines, and for this romantic season I give you the gift of...skulls...full of candy?  Heart shaped candies with sayings, a bowl of sweet Love Hearts and a bowl of less sweet Hate Hearts.  As usual, free gifts at every store, and everything else is on sale!

At Shop & Hop, January 31 - February 18.

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