Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The flooding in Queensland is pretty horrific to watch- it's pretty incredible in a jaw dropping holy fuck I hope everyone is ok kind of way. (And the property damage...oi.) Sanura Sakai of Sanu has put together a charitable event to send some money in that direction to help- it's been all very short notice let's get something done asap. I managed to get mine finished and out with a couple of hours to spare >.<

I made a new unisex necklace for the event:

(Clawtooth hair and ~silentsparrow~ outfit on her, &bean skin and Gritty Kitty hair on him)

I ended up offering it as transfer too, though you have to pick boy or girl sized to start with in that case. I prefer copy, and it seems like in this sort of thing most people do (last experiment offering both, sales were almost entirely for the copy version!), so I usually don't, but I figured I might as well in this case for those that want to give one away, since this may not be seen again after the event.

You can find the necklace out at the Extend a Helping Hand Market, along with many things from other creators as well. The market is open as of today, and ends the 31st.

LeahJane Cazalet
Xavier Ashley

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