Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oh My Stars!

There's a hunt going on at the Oh My Stars sims. I've got a little spot on Elliott, and am taking part with a necklace. Gemstone flowers with a ribbon tie in the back, because occasionally I get these random urges to be all girly.

(Clawtooth hair, the rest is Schadenfreude)

More info (and previews of goodies) can be found on their blog!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Albero Gatcha Festival

There's another gacha festival going on at Albero. I ended up joining a day (or so...) late for this session, but I joined! With plastic flamingoes (I'm gonna make you all start spelling the plural with an e if it kills me. Primarily because I like to say "flaming goes").

There is the traditional pink flamingo (in 2 shades), but they come in 16 colours (because I'm a colour whore), and there are secret hidden rares that are even less traditional. There are 3 styles, head up, head down, and a pair together- each only one prim (though there are secret rares that have an extra prim or two for decoration). A ridiculous copy uberpack of all of them, texture change to not destroy your inventory, is available in Baba Yaga's hut.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Eleanor Sleeveless Blouses

(Tres Blah jeans, though they are ancient and probably long retired but I love them; bracelets are a mix of Violet Voltaire and Lolapop; pose is fine.)

Newly out at the elephant, the Eleanor Sleeveless Blouse. Sort of the little less traditional sister to the Oxfords, a cropped sleeveless button down blouse with a band collar and shaping darts. I have this weird little affection for this type of shirt in RL, and wanting to wear them with the corsets (and with jackets...though Alle tends to go shirtless with jackets...a lot) finally got me to bring them to SL. 25 colours, in brights, pastels, darks, and neutrals so, like the oxfords, they could match whatever I wanted- sold separately and the whole lot of them together in a discounted pack.

In the elephant!
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