Friday, April 28, 2017

Francoise shoes

A pair of sweet little flexible mary janes for The Kawaii Project.

francoise shoes

The Francoise shoes include versions for ALL heights of Slink Female Feet, in rigged and unrigged versions, including a version that lets you pick heights to match your Deluxe Feet (and mix them), and unrigged versions for Classic System avatars.  There are 18 solid colours and 6 patterns to choose from, all include a HUD to pick 18 trim colours, 6 buckle metals, and 4 soles.

At The Kawaii Project until May 15!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Nesting and hunting eggs

New eggs for spring and Easter! Nesting eggs in three flavours- Russian matryoshka and Japanese kokeshi and Daruma.  Matryoshka may have been originally inspired by nesting kokeshi and/or daruma dolls- and I mashed all three up with eggs for the spring!  The daruma also have eyes you can choose to fill in to track goals.  (I have this weird obsession with daruma dolls.)

And hunting eggs- fill them with transfer items (copy or no copy), and hide them for anyone, or members of the assigned group, to find and touch to get the goodies.

These eggs also work with the HUDs for previous eggs if you have the packs- you can make abstract patterned nesting eggs, mustachioed hunting eggs, and broken kokeshi egg candles.

At the elephant!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Bunny Parfait

Available through Easter Sunday at the Magic of Oz Easter hunt, a parfait!  Neapolitan ice cream with chocolate bunny ears, to carry around holding or to rez for decor.

How to play.

 At Magic of Oz!


For The Kawaii Project, shoes!  Platform skate shoes in 3 patterns(sakura, star, and zombie), with 5 colour options each.  10 colours of laces with HUD for all, plus mixing sections with multiple singles or packs for even more customization.  Laces come tied and untied.  Rigged versions for Slink Flat Feet for men and women, foot resizing by shape versions that fit Classic Avatars, and unrigged versions (even the rigged may fit other feet, but I make no guarantees!)

At The Kawaii Project until April 15!

Monday, April 10, 2017


X crate from Commoner Cafe Collection

Succulents for this greenery Collabor88- in green, but in other colours as well.  Each of the three types has 8 textures to choose from of their plump leaves and base.  The barrel cactus (which is technically a succulent, though often not really considered one!) also has extra options for the spikes to choose from.  Each plant also comes in three styles- a version to plant in the ground, a version in a round pot, and a version in a teacup.  The potted styles (including teacups) have 13 colours of ceramic to choose from, and are filled with crushed gemstones (15 options) for gravel.

This April at Collabor88!
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