Friday, May 26, 2017

Bearest at SaNaRae

X shirt by Stories&Co.
pants by Addams
collar and wrist straps by *katat0nik*
hair by [elikatira]
tattoos by ~silentsparrow~
eyeliner by Luxuria
skin by (fashionably dead)

Stuffed bears to carry with you or rez, out now at SaNaRae!

(They are a bit hard to make out with the spaceclouds, and also just hey there are some stars, but Cosmos has the constellation Ursa Major on one side, and Ursa Minor on the other.)

Saturday, May 20, 2017

De Rigueur Cuffs

Many thanks to Gartruth and Tea for posing with me <3

Vinyl and leather cuffs for The Kawaii Project.  "Singles" are single styles of cuff, with a HUD with 6 bracelet colours (and 3 buttons, and assorted other options if dictated by style).  The Ring styles have metal options for the rings, which can also be hidden, and each cutout can be set to your choice, or they can all be hidden for open spaces.  The Gem styles have metal options for the settings, and a bundle of options for each of the gems.  The Stud styles have 6 metal options for studs, which can be set to match or alternate.  The Spike style has 6 options for the small round studs, and twice that for the spikes.  All HUDs can be used with any bracelets, so you can grab two to pick and choose more options!  There is also a discounted pack of all 10 cuff styles and 60 colours all together in one.

Most of the leathers and vinyls match the Grav and Antigrav boots, with a few extras thrown in.

At The Kawaii Project!

Saturday, May 13, 2017


X hair: Exile :: If Your Wild (kavar.cleanslate)
eyes: {S0NG} :: Andi~ Peach (funeral.plutonian)
head: *6DOO* Human mesh head HUCI-01 (ondo.mode)

For this blooming round of Collabor88, flower bedecked accessories.  A matching eyepatch, gasmask, and collar- the eyepatch can cover the left or right eye, the gasmask and collar include versions with and without flowers.

X all hair by Exile (kavar.cleanslate)
head: *6DOO* Human mesh head HUCI-01 (ondo.mode)
eyes by S0NG (funeral.plutonian)
hand by *katat0nik* (katat0nik.pidgeon)
poppies around neck by NAMINOKE (taiko.mccaw)

Each are texture change- there are 12 different colours of poppies to choose from, and the bases come in 8 colours, each with multiple choices of metal accent.

This month at Collabor88!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Butterflies at SaNaRae

Butterflies somewhat like the fireflies, with singles and groups, animated and static, flying around, flying in place, and perched. Groups are 1-3 Land Impact each (freed with jar are 2 LI, some of the morpho clusters are more LI due to being large butterflies, monarchs and sulfurs other than the freed with jars are all 1 LI each).

There are 30 different butterflies, in texture change sets of three (you can make clusters all one colour, a mix of two, or of all three- with the pack you can mix beyond that with all the options).  On touch you can also adjust all sorts of other settings- glow, transparency for more ghostly butterflies, wingspeed, and flying speed.  Many of the butterflies will continue to fly even once unscripted, though some do require scripts to continue functioning (those that can be unscripted and work will have a menu option to disable the scripts).  Morphos and Foresters are large butterflies, Sulfurs are small, and Monarchs are in between- though all are modify to adjust size as you see fit.

X head: *6DOO* Human mesh head HUCI-01 (ondo.mode)
skin: [theSkinnery] Nana (umazuma.metaluna)
blush: -[The White Crow]- Raibow Blush (jareth.cygnet)
tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ Flower Burst (hyasynth.tiramisu)
hair: Doe: Amoria (helyanwe.vindaloo)
hair flower: *NAMINOKE*Lotus head C R- D-Pink (taiko.mccaw)
dress: Stories&Co. Sofia Dress (flutter.memel)
collar: *katat0nik* Fauna Collar (katat0nik.pidgeon)
hands: *katat0nik* (sick girl2+) BENTO Prosthetic Hand (katat0nik.pidgeon)
necklace: Schadenfreude String Things (allegory.malaprop)
body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Original (siddean.munro)

At SaNaRae!
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