Monday, April 20, 2020

Schadenfreude Skeletal Globes

A pair of globes for the Engine Room.  They both come in 7 distressed metal options, with ribs on the latitudes and longitudes covered by land masses.

There is just the globe, and also a lamp version featuring a bare bulb inside the globe.  The lamp version has 3 light versions- no cast light which just "lights up" the bulb but does not contribute environmental lighting, no project which is a soft omnidirectional light, and projection which projects the shadow of the ribs below it.  All light or extinguish when touched by anyone, and you can also touch and hold for 5 seconds (or so, with lag) to get a menu with light options to change, if you wish it to be brighter or darker or whatnot.

At the Engine Room April 20 - May 20!

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