Friday, December 11, 2020

Schadenfreude Kawaii Snowman

Cute for the Okinawa Christmas Festival- gacha or copy of all of it format.  1 LI each until they get too much larger, as mesh do.  The daruma's eyes will hide or show on touch, if you want to make a wish or a wintertime goal.

X sweater: *katat0nik* (light) Chunky Sweater (katat0nik.pidgeon)
hat: *katat0nik* (white kitty) Fluffy Hat (katat0nik.pidgeon)
gloves: *katat0nik* (whitesilver) Bento Baroque Gloves (katat0nik.pidgeon)
boots: Schadenfreude Metanoia Boots (allegory.malaprop)
hair: Exile:: Lucia (kavar.cleanslate)
eyes: #adored - spark eyes - tealblue (constance.daehlie)
tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ Eclipse Tattoos (hyasynth.tiramisu)
lipstick: Izzie's - Shimmer Lipstick 01 silver (izzie.button)
head: *6DOO* Human mesh head HUCI-01 (ond0.mode)
body: *Slink Physique Original (siddean.munroe)
pose: Diversion - Ice Maiden (rina.edenflower)
snowmen: Schadenfreude Kawaii Snowman Gacha (allegory.malaprop)
note: due to the mesh/size thing, Snow Daruma is 2LI at this size

And a free gift of a Santa daruma doll at the event!

At the Okinawa Christmas Festival until December 29!

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