Thursday, February 10, 2022

Schadenfreude DengenHebi and Plastic Spirit Bottles

TOKYO ZERO is a new-ish event, and an entirely new event for me to be participating in, but hey, yokai round, yes please.  A tsukumogami 付喪神 (tool kami) for the modern age, the Dengenhebi 電源蛇 is a power cord turned to a snake.  Texture change with white, black, red, green, and brown cord options, and assorted eye options, in a few poses including mirrors, each 1 LI.

And a plastic water bottle repurposed to hold particle spirit fire.  4 shaped labels (fox spirit shaped kitsunebi 狐火, horned onibi 鬼火, ghostly hitodama 人魂, and flame chouchinbi 提灯火), blank or with my somewhat scribbly handwriting denoting the type of spirit inside.  You can also choose without the label entirely if you prefer.  Fire will change to match the caps when you pick a color.  They cast a little bit of light, you can modify the light settings (radius, intensity, falloff) in Edit and it will retain all but the color when you change them.  Carry them around in your right hand, or rez them at 1 LI each.

TOKYO ZERO is open February 10 @ 8am SLT to February 25 @ 8am SLT.

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