Bargain hunters: Get thee to silent sparrow! A bunch of new (and gorgeous) stuff is on sale until tomorrow at 4pm, in honour of the lovely hyasynth's birthday.
I've been waffling on a number of silent sparrow items for a while...Alle really doesn't clean up that well. However, it's transfer, so maybe someday I'll either let her look a little less scrungy, or I can give it to an alt (I suppose there's always the option of giving it as a gift to someone...but no. That will not happen, they are not leaving my possession). In the meantime, I can still drool all over the screen, even if Alle does look a little silly. (I guess I'm just going to have to make her put on some proper hair...oh, the horror.) I, on the other hand, would wear these things out, even if I did look silly.
Alle actually can pull off the koumori suit in orchid. She rarely wears dresses, and it's a lovely suit set, so it's butch enough for her, she might even get to keep it, for times when she wants to look dress up and look smashing- with or without the tails (without shows off these dead fabulous pants). (I ran off to one of my very favourite sims for pictures, Tableau, although I am sad because I cannot for the life of me get the Ouija board to work.) I even need to point out how amazing this is? I want this coat for real, and I would totally wear it until it was falling apart and then buy another one. The bat buckles are works of brilliance (koumori, of course, is bat in Japanese), hyasynth's brocade, it should go without saying by now, is always gorgeous and fabulous and sumptuous and I don't even have the words. It's multi-tonal, it's subtle on the pants (which have lovely detail under the coat, as well, with pockets and all, but that involves taking the coat off! Even with the coat on you can see that you get one of the fabulous bats on the pants, so. very. sexy) There are 2 sets of shirts and attachments for men and women, so you're set even if you have a tendency to crossdress, like me. There are these marvelous buckles that match the ones on the pants on the shirt, which you can't see with the jacket on- I'm sure eventually I'll be able to wear the shirt without the jacket over it, I'm still so in love with the coat I have trouble taking it off. I'm not even wearing the fingerless gloves in these pictures (though I am now), but they're also the more subtle brocade like the pants, and gorgeous. These gloves alone could be the focal point of an outfit.
The bird lolitas are also on sale, and I picked up pica, because I'm a bit of a magpie myself. Also, green may be Alle's colour, but purple is mine, and she looks rather nice in purple, with her hair. Alle looks a little funny in a dress (she's going to have to get a dressier mohawk!) but I DON'T CARE, because this dress is so gorgeous. There are also so many incredible pieces in this set that you can easily make a number of different outfits with just the pieces included!
I lust after this dress, and want a real one (sigh, the feathers would get all ratty, and it would be a horrible pain to clean). There are all these little feather details all over it (the feathers, of course, one and all are flawless little works of art). I wore some black leggings underneath the bloomers because Alle's blindingly white knees were, well, blinding (I need to work on some good stockings one of these days), but without it's more obvious that the bloomers are lined with feathers as well. There are 4 different corset/belt options for wearing over the shirt (the belts with the hanging feathers off the side! _love_), there are 2 different pairs of gloves. There are attachments, there are wings, I need to make an alt just to wear this dress. I'm not sure she would ever take it off, and she would have the boobs to pull it off too. Assuming she wouldn't have to buy her own because Alle would refuse to give it up.
I also went home to change into the group gift suit, which if you don't already have, I don't know what hole you're living in...but it is dark, drab, and utterly without beauty. (I've been hiding poses all over the store lately, because it makes me smile.) Blue is not really my colour, but this blue....I'm in love. Alle is a hot glam rocker in this suit, and lives a fabulous life of excess.
The reason was that I was inspired by actually, you know, changing my clothing more than once a month, to dress up in some mad finery, and take Al on a little visit to Versailles (of course, Al makes anything seem 10 times more foppish than it is actually is, Real Men would of course make this suit more manly- ahem, and even if you wouldn't, you're still going to make your girl swoon):
These pants...not only are the lovely pinstriped, but they also have the most brilliant gear detailing. I adore the lacy sleeve attachments, and there are gorgeous matching gloves. There is a reason one of my precious group slots is devoted to silent sparrow, she gives away things of incredible beauty.
(And then I ran home to put the koumori suit back on, even through I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go! I should log off to get some sleep and I can't stop staring at myself.)
Twinkle Twinkle Uncle Floyd
12 years ago
wow! your sneaky. Where you writing all this while we where chatting? *smiles* thanks! a rather sleepy little bit older-ish ~hya
Heh, actually I started it before, because everyone needed to know about the sale on the pretties! But I'm the slowest blogger ever. I have to remind myself to edit the time half the time because otherwise they show up 6 hours earlier than I post them!
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