Festival of Sin:
spiderwebs, chandelier, end tables: Schadenfreude Acedia pieces (in Sloth)
white table and moon stand: Alchemist Relics of Lezard - Operating Table, Moon Stand (in Greed)
lingerie: Luxuria Serpenitine (in Envy)
lipstick: La Malvada Mujer - Uke Lipstick (in Gluttony)
chair: .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::. {ENVY} elegant chair (in Envy)
mirror: .::Cubic Cherry Kre-ations::. {Corrupted Sight} mirror (in Greed)
snail: ~silentsparrow~ Snail! (in Sloth)
Kawaii Project:
demon plushie: ~silentsparrow~ Demonkin
bracelet: * SORGO - Shouzai / BONES
hair: adoness : frigg : pistachio (tinted)
tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ Fledermaus tattoos
bracelets: *katat0nik* Bow Wrist Straps, Schadenreude Pearl Mori Bracelets
makeup: Schadenfreude Persephone Circe Eyes, no brows
feet: Slink AvEnchance Feet Female Mid
ears: Schadenfreude Widowed Fey Ears, no spider
shoes: Schadenfreude Chatterbox Dreamlanders
toys: *katat0nik* Wonderland Baby Doll, *katat0nik* Syup Doll,
*katat0nik*Dead Ducks, *katat0nik* Happy Kitty Doll, ~silentsparrow~
Corbie Plush Crow, ~silentsparrow~ Haruki Wind-Up Bird, Scadenfreude
Chibi Cat
clutter: -tres blah- Hodgepodge, Second Spaces - Cluttered House, MudHoney Pocket Clutter, * SORGO - Room Key A
books on tables: from [Kraken] to the Lighthouse shelves
raven: Schadenfreude Matthew
art by Schadenfreude (bat paintings) and Radio Signals (the other two, Radio's amazing art no longer available, /sadface)