Monday, December 22, 2008

The Mouse King

I've wanted to do this since for a while, and then it was fighting me (and I was distracted by trees...a bunch of which still haven't been finished, even though Christmas is almost upon us), and I came down with a killer flu that wouldn't die. But! Mouse King!

5 colour choices, as well as the option for the outfit separately if you don't want a mouse head, or the head separately (all the heads are scripted with the 3 colours options), or the crown separately (all the crowns are scripted with 4 metals, 6 gems).

You'll probably need to do a bit of editting on your hair, with the mask. I know I did.

(Outfits: Calico Ingmann Jake hair, Illusions Pirate boots
Head: Maitreya Loelle on the white mouse head, Old Gravy Darkchylde on the brown
Crown: Old Gravy Darkchylde hair, Miriel eyes)

At the elephant, as usual.

Some other looks at the Mouse King:
Achariya plays the Mouse King.
Ryan Darragh of Men's Second Style as the Mouse King.
Achariya again, in the Mouse King coat in a less mousey oujisama look

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Candy Cane Frolic at Oz

Grumble grumble I want to not be sick anymore.

But anyway! There's a Candy Cane Frolic at Oz- it's a bit of a different type of hunt, as you have to find candy canes that will pop up around the sim, and you get gift tags for catching them, which you have to take to the shop for that tag, to get the goods.

Because, I mean, I'm evil, there are 2 things from Schadenfreude. You get one at random with your gift you might be lucky and only need 2 tags, or you might be less lucky and need a bunch to get them both if one stubbornly insists on being yours repeatedly.

Candy cane antlers- like the rest the antlers are colour change on touch, as well as the candy canes (red/green/blue/black and white stripe).

And a silver mousie with emerald eyes, which is a subtle tip of the hat to Ozma of Oz.

Monday, December 15, 2008

More Christmasy

More festive thingies from Schadenfreude:

You may have ridden the large versions of Flopsie and Mopsie, to the tree farm. Little shoulder sitting versions also feature texture change fur (white, brown, grey) and hat or antlers, and are transfer for gifting.

(House of Munster Glitch hair, ~silentsparrow~ eventide jacket (retired), ~silentsparrow~ nemu shirt, Balderdash Whiskey and Merlot necklace and earrings, Miriel eyes)

More antlers, which sculpted ornaments. An assortment of options on touch (antlers white/brown/black, hangers multiple metals where applicable, colour change where applicable, all can hide individual items and toggle fullbright and various shiny settings), and each comes with bonus antlers of plain unadorned, and ornaments and lights like the ones you can get from the stocking, but with touch change options (the lights calculate the light value for you for the glow, or you can override that with a preset).

(Calico Hannah hair, ~silentsparrow~ sylvan suite, Balderdash Whiskey and Water necklace and earrings, Fleur Suzume 3 skin, Miriel eyes)

(Katat0nik Lolli hair, Katat0nik green cherries dress, Balderdash Whiskey and Sunlight necklace and earrings, Skins of Delphi (Katat0nik) skin, Miriel eyes)

(PixelDust Apatia hair, Schadenfreude Strix shrug and Tease bra, Balderdash Whiskey and Merlot necklace and earrings, Miriel eyes)

(House of Munster Glitch hair, Schadenfreude Swamp Lurking shirt, Balderdash Whiskey and Wheatgrass necklace and earrings, Schadenfreude Alabaster Elsa Green Face skin, Miriel eyes)
(Sidebar all: House of Munster Glitch hair, Pig chenille sweater in wine)

As an aside, you can probably tell I got myself the Whiskey fatpack from Balderdash for Christmas, because it's f-ing gorgeous and I couldn't choose just one.

Stripey Patchmas Pants, with sculpted cuffs and sock extenders for form fitting, in green and red stripes with black patches. These are _also_ under the special 25L tree at Axis Mundi, alongside a bunch of other awesome (and cheap) stuff!

(Katat0nik new lime! Ghostfire boots, Schadenfreude Lucent Bow Heels)

And Santagory boots are out again- similar to the Plain Buckle Platforms, but with texture change furry tops, white/grey/black/red, to match the santa hats.

(House of Munster Glitch hair, Veschi Cozily Green Sweater (altered neck))

All at the Elephant. The meeces are also at Haute Couture (and that port will take you god knows where, because I haven't updated it to where I moved) as part of a transfer for gifting bash going on at that sim, and the pants are also under the tree at Axis Mundi.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

We wish you a merry christmas...

Those who've been following Schadenfreude for a bit will know that this was coming: the stocking is out. To those that this may be a bit "what, huh, what's she talking about?!?", the stocking is like the treat bucket. Carry it around, touch it, tell others to touch it, get gifts and sweets and weaponry and antlers. (Due to a server snafu, last year's stocking is half broken and only gives out some of its stuff. But this year's has more anyway, and the only thing that was in last year's and not this is Brackle, and you can get him other ways now.)

One of the great things about the way I do the stocking- I can continue to add things and you don't have to get a new one to get the new stuff. Like, I added a new style of antlers after I set it out, for which I am going to Hell, but I grew up celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah and they sort of became this one weird holiday, where Hanukkah brought the ceremony and the gradual presents and Christmas brought the decorating ridiculously and MORE presents, and it was awesome.

The stocking is on the table in the elephant, just walk inside and it's pretty hard to miss.

And, completely unrelated, but this may be useful to some so I'll link to it here: me rambling on image formats and their uses in SL. There's a section at the end about avoiding the dreaded alpha halo, as well as ways to avoid accidentally getting an alpha channel with something solid so you have alpha flicker unnecessarily. Feel free to plumb the journal for more other semi useful crap, I've got some crash course interesting tips for sculpts that are somewhat horribly disorganized as I was writing myself notes on how to do things so _I_ didn't forget them.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Xmas tree farm

I've been chugging along on Christmas trees lately (read: obsessed), and now the Christmas Tree Farm is open on Horst. You can see a few teasers at the elephant, some of the colour change, and a couple of the things are out there. Also, I would like to introduce you to Flopsie and Mopsie:

Flopsie lives at the tree farm on Horst. She will take you to the Schadenfreude elephant, if you hop on her back and touch her to take off.

Mopsie lives at the elephant. She will take you to the tree farm if you hop on her back, and touch her to take off.

Please do be aware: They cross sim borders. While the transition has been smooth more often than not, occasionally they can get lost (Mopsie especially seems to have a bit of a problem with directions at times), and there are rare occasions when you can get trapped in dead space because the handoff between sims fails completely. I still ride them back and forth constantly anyway, because I find it _way_ too fun, and even with my pokey computer, it's rare that I get trapped.

At the tree farm, you will find assorted trees I've been working on:

2 prim pine trees. You can remove the trunk, to make them one prim pines, if you are looking for that aggressively low prim for your sim and they still work rather well.

In with the festive glass is a large bird ornament that seats two (with an assortment of colour change options for glass, feathers, and metal). Also a selection of single prim shiny glass trees (just buy the one that strikes your fancy directly off the lot).

I have cats...I have a cat right now who really loves shimmying up the Christmas tree and nesting in it at eye height. So not only are all of the birds that inspired the ornament in storage and unlikely to be seen anytime soon (she is worth it though!), feather trees are completely and totally not something for me to consider having. Pretty as they are. However, in SL I can indulge without worry, so the tree farm features a feather tree forest in assorted sizes and colours. There are also matching wreaths.

There are still some more things I'm working on for the farm. We'll see if they get done!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

These are a few of my favourite things

There's a new suit from ~silentsparrow~, nemu. It even got me to finally change clothes (a Christmas miracle!) with its lush brocade, vest with amazing decorative frogs, sculpted scrunched up sleeves and meticulous jabot, and damn I want these gloves in RL.

Seriously, am I not fecking gorgeous?

Yes, this time of year I am especially festive in green. I need to crash a holiday party in this.

I've not had the time to do much of the Peace on Earth hunt (nor will I, in all likelihood, sadly), but when I heard that Balderdash was participating, I had to squeeze time out of putting out feather trees until my eyes bled to stop by and snap that up. Saiyge makes the most incredibly detailed and delicate jewelry, this picture does not even _begin_ to do these earrings justice, the closer you look, the more you see.

Oubliette is also quickly becoming one of my favourite sims to explore when I have a moment free, and its only just been born recently.

The antlers that I've barely taken off since I got them (and only then for particular purposes, after which I put them right back on) are Sika, from Illusions. Yes, they make me extra festive, shush. I tend to leave them on black (as my soooooouuuuuuullllll), but they also have an easy touch retexture to a variety of horns and metals.

The hair that currently has my lust is the adorable Chelsea 'hawk, Glitch, from House of Munster, which goes marvelously well with the antlers with the long bits in front. It's also a colour change fatpack of assorted shades of green. (Really, how can you not love a place with the name "House of Munster"?)

In Schadenfreude related stuffs, the Christmas Tree Farm has moved to Horst, because I could spread out and be a filthy prim hog in that big open area there. The 2 prim pines and the feather tree forest is out, and I'm slowly plugging away on the ridiculous rest of the trees I'd like to do. I'll probably finish them sometime around January 1 =p

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fantasma Plaza opening

A really cute spooky little enclave in the forest, Fantasma Plaza opened today. There are a number of awesome opening gifts out, and as I've also got a little place there, there is a skelebeater (men and women's included, of course) and a pair of earrings out as mine.

Crappy snap courtesy of SL being a severe bastard today, and having toooo much to do still. Also, laziness, as I didn't take off the coat or the shirt, but anyway, that's the Haunted 'beater, and you can almost make out the earrings.

(With Lolli Munster's House of Munster Glitch hair, ~silentsparrow~ cygne cuffs and pants, Illusions Sika horns, Miriel Absinthe eyes, Schadenfreude Wolsey Suit shirt, cropped fur coat, and a skin that'll be out once I finish tones, which knowing me will be 9 months. Note that I have barely changed since Ach's post....yeah, it's a good thing SL doesn't have smell-o-vision, as Alle would be pungent)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lavender Bat Corset

(hair is Aimee? by Maitreya, eyes as always by Miriel, Bixin pants, Koijini jewelry, currently unreleased skin)

Another corset along the lines of the Red Elephant, the Lavender Bat Corset commemorates the opening of the new lavender bat room in the basement. Out on the dresser in the elephant.

(Anyone else really irked onrez is borked and hasn't let any listings go through in days?)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

silentsparrow 3k group party!

I think at this point it's not really a surprise that I've an avid silentsparrow fan, as well as hya being one of my favourite people. So when her group hit 3k members and she asked me to do a little something for the party, I was thrilled!

Janglin' Jack; Sparrow 3K party!

(I'm not the only one, by the way. There is awesome new jewelry from Violet Voltaire, awesome new skins from Fleur, awesome new hair from Calico Ingmann, and I know there are other people whose awesome new stuff I haven't seen!)

Firstly, and most sparrowly, the Blue Sparrow Corset. Now, this one WILL NOT be available anywhere after this weekend- possibly ever. Definitely won't be around for months. So if you want it, this _is_ your chance.

(Calico, erm, Hannah hair? No, I think it's the other one that came out at the same time I ALWAYS get confused with it by name for some reason....argh. Well anyway, go to Calico Kitty and look around, shouldn't be hard to find; Miriel eyes; skin I'll get around to eventually; Koijini jewelry; Aqua Bixin pants)

Secondly, hya's been working on this really awesome Warcrack inspired Druidy outfit. Once upon a time, before I really spent much time in SL (my account predates, but I didn't use it/couldn't on the computer I had then), I was a horrible Warcraft addict. My main was a Night Elf Druid. So...yeah. I've been severely tempted to make myself a SL Nelf, and this finally gave me the reason to go ahead and _do_ it. Yeah, I'm a great big dork. But a lavender great big dork, so there.

(All: Illusions Sika horns; Miriel eyes
Body shot of her: Calico's new Suzume hair with colour change feathers, ~silentsparrow~ suzume pieces
Body shot of him: Truth Kensei hair, feathers shamelessly stolen from Calico's Suzume hair and added in attached to the nose, ~silentsparrow~ suzume (raven)
Head shots: feathers shamelessly stolen from Calico's Suzume hair and added in attached to the nose, Veronique hastily coloured in what I have around as I'm still chugging away on hair textures)

Silly nelf skins will be out in the elephant after this weekend. But for now, teleport to silent sparrow for the party and awesome things!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I've had my eye on the grey Heart skin ever since I saw the demo. And comes packaged with these brilliant Haunted skins, with fabulous ghostly hands all over. It was quite a challenge to pick one.

I had an invite to a party on the Macbeth sim, and this was the perfect excuse to decide the white one- Achariya took some brilliant pictures (even with the misplaced glow in the new viewer trying to mess things up for her, *sigh*), and you can see my gorgeous dates!

I believe this is a limited edition, so if you want it, you'd better act fast! (Like, before Selos wakes up!)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Strigoi Mort

A companion to Strix, Strigoi Mort is more bat themed formalwear, this time a tuxedo for the boys (or deliciously crossdressing girls). It's got...a lot of options, because I'm insane and need to be stopped. There are a number of bowtie options, there are 2 different bat ties (one more bowtie-y with flexi alphas, one with sculpt batwings) scripted to colour change white and black, and 2 skull ties in just white (since, after all, for the most formal occasions, it's white tie!), as well as the tophat also having batty bits that can be black or white. Vests and shirts (with sculpt collars and cuffs) and gloves in black or white, again so you can go uber formal if the occasion calls for it, or do some mixing for contrast. The trousers have the traditional stripe down the side in the lighter trim of the lapels, echoing the overskirt of the ballgown for Strix. 2 different tails options as well, scalloped bat wing edging, or non alpha and super pointy, and 2 different jacket cuff options. look in the contents, and there's a lot of stuff. And that's not counting all the stuff I packed up because it was maybe less useful.

Out in, you guessed it, the elephant

(Eyes as always by Miriel, Hair is Faris by Philotic Energy, skin is Alabaster Boris Black Stache Half Chop Upper Chop Lower)

The man or the monster

Frankenstein is, somewhat erroneously, used to refer to the monster of the Doctor's creation (somewhat, as, while the monster is never named, he is Victor's "son", and therefore assuming his surname is not entirely unacceptable. However, his namelessness is actually part of the point), after all, "the monster" isn't particularly descriptive to tell you which monster is being referred to, is it? Strix and Strigoi Mort aside, you have probably noticed I've been on a bit of a Monster kick this year. Comments I make about stabbing people aside (as well as desires, let's face it), I'm really not vicious enough to be a vampire, by half. I'm far more to be the tragic (handstapleforehead) and pathetic Louis type, subsisting on rats while everyone is snickering at me behind my back.

First you have the Doctor, the archetypical Creator, Victor Frankenstein. Victor's gotten the short end of the stick in characterization over the years. He wasn't mean, or evil, he was, simply, young and stupid. Afraid of death, to the point of obsession, barely more than a teenager- and we all know how stupid we were when we were young. You think you can live forever, even when you really know you can't, the reality hasn't really sunk in. He had lofty dreams for this creation of his, to be an Adonis...and instead was greeted by an abomination. Any creator knows that crushing defeat when you look at what you've done...and it's _not_ good. And, after all, this was his first attempt, he'd not learned from trial and error how to achieve his goals.

Mind you, when we're talking resurrecting the dead, trial and error takes on a bit more weight than when it's simply painting over a canvas, or throwing away a sheet of paper (or dragging a Photoshop file into the trash). Even those not actively making things for Second Life, you're still in the position of Victor, you've created this avatar, this other creation. Now, our creations, they don't have "souls", free will, the ability to wander off without us. We haven't given them life yet, as that's so much harder. But is it really such a bad thing to aspire to?

The other creation is, of course, the procreation of the species. Victor created himself a son, just not really under traditional methods. But just as real children have their own minds, and don't always do what we want, the Monster had its own feelings upon its creation. Not that it helped that it was shunned at birth- but then, that happens to "real" children too upon occasion. And they usually don't look kindly upon it either.

Of course, Victor's rejection was a bit different from just an unfit parent- he was looking at a creature that was something else entirely, a travesty of nature. Add on the fact we're talking a generation not desensitized by horror movies, and you might be able to imagine his reaction. And, in truth, even in one with one, we think it seems ridiculous and silly that people panic and freak out, but that's because we know it isn't real. The lizard brain takes over when it happens to you, fight or flight or dissolve into a gibbering pile.

But in truth, I've still always been more on the side of the Creation. What can I say, I've always liked monsters. And he wasn't really evil either- he didn't really grasp right and wrong fully, he was, well, rather pissed that his dad freaked out and ran away, and while he was in the body of a full grown man, with the brain of one, he wasn't that person any more, he was a new being, born at that moment. Babies don't really get concepts we see as automatic, is it any wonder he didn't either?

The Monster is also an outsider by nature- his very appearance makes people shun him. We judge with our eyes first, even if we don't want to admit it, and, well, when you're talking an 8 foot tall monstrosity, it's a little different from "Oh, but I'm not racist!" (or "that boy in black must be a devil worshipper"). Again it's the lizard brain that says "this is not right" and tried to protect you from danger- regardless of whether there really is one, it's instinct.

After all that, is it any wonder he wasn't all sunshine and light? After all, the whole concept of death held an entirely different meaning for him as well, being a resurrected being, murder wasn't the same hurdle it would be to a mere mortal.

After all, what he wanted more than anything else, was just to not be alone in the world. Misanthropic tendencies aside, that's what most people want if they are honest with themselves, someone to share their lives with. In the book, the second creature is never finished, Victor destroys it, to not bring more of what he sees as evil into the world. The movies created the iconic Bride, as part of the classic series that cements the Monster's sympathetic side. She, of course, is horrified as well, retaining enough instinct to know what's "right" and what's "not right" in humanity, even if she is not right herself. And then, of course, there's all the _other_ subtext running through that movie (and the little people in jars).

The mythos has taken the imagery and used it in different ways, in the way that culture virally creates itself. Just like vampires, the Monster is a part of our cultural heritage, our oral history that, even though it's written down, still can change and recreate itself in strange and beautiful ways, as we all add pieces of ourselves to it.

The Monsters are our own imperfect creation, we are all flawed in our own ways, and while not all of us create, all of us were created.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boris skins, and assorted Treats!

The male counterpart of Elsa, Boris, is finally out. Same stupid overboard selection of options (although a little less this time!), same tones, same general stitchings although some of Boris' differ a tad- he also has two stomach options, for the bodies you stole that hit the gym more often.

All of the Face heads from Elsa carry over, as I rather like them, and was wearing them with my manvatar before I finished the bods (so long as I covered up!) There are also sets of 4 classic monstery heads, 2 pairs with and without hair drawn on (those all come with a mod shape for adjusting your square headishness); and a set of more general manfaces, while they can be shaved, I'm quite fond of the 'staches.

In other sp00ky jackassery, I'm suuuuure by now you've seen the ghost hunt. I'm number 3. And have a couple of pieces of furniture in it. Make sure to sit on the tables!

While you're in the elephant, you might notice the empty kitty treat bucket sitting next to the table (which is one of the tables in the ghost! That chair comes with as well). Grab yourself a treat bucket, wear it, click it. Encourage others to click your bucket. Fly brooms into walls and lakes (or maybe that's just me?), wear really silly accessories, eat candy until you're sick (and maybe drop dead. Didn't your parents teach you not to take candy from strangers?)

Also, there's a bloo pumpkin sitting at the table as well. In it there are 2 sets of lightning jewelry, and a notecard. There's a mini trick or treating across all the Schadenfreudes, there's a pumpkin at each one, and the notecard has LMs to all of them. Hop around, and get a full set. The last set is at the Trick or Treat Fair, in the 5L Unicef pumpkin- along with a set of neck bolts, and:

Yes, you too can have been the victim of medical experimentation, and be a head in a jar. Turn your AO off (walking can mess it up due to the way animations work). You may find that you want to adjust your height- if you're floating, you may want to take off your clothing layer shoes (your attachments should probably go as well really!) and make yourself a tad shorter (and/or your legs shorter), if you're embedded in the ground (which is less likely, as I'm not uber tall), adding a bit of hidden height should do the trick.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I am a part of the Rezzable's Crimson Shadow show, alongside an amazing selection of other designers.

The pre party was today, the show itself is tomorrow at 2pm, I hope to see you there (ok, so _I_ may not even be there, I'm not sure yet!)- there are a bunch of really neat new designs!

My contribution is Strix, bat elements for a vampire stronghold:

There's a lot darkly romantic and seductive about the vampire. Imagine being a creature that lives forever, completely unfettered by the rules of society that keep us in check. In fact, not only do you not have to follow them, you are required, by your basic needs, to break them. You can't really care about people, truly see them as companionship, because you exist as a predator- a step higher than them in the food chain. It's a role that forces you into being a bit of a sociopath, the inability to really _care_ about how your actions impact on other people, simply as a survival mechanism.

On the other hand, you do live alongside them to a degree as one of them- so you have to put on a show of being "human", also as a survival mechanism.

You know, this really sounds a hell of a lot like my first boyfriend.

There's also a lot tragically romantic (which, well, doesn't sound like him at all) to a being that exists just outside of society, who lives forever but can't really truly touch humanity- and to have once been human, so the memory there taunts of all the things you can't have.

But, on the other hand, you're young and sexy forever, and spend your nights bringing home the cutest thing in the bar. So never seeing another sunset or being able to work a day job is not really all that bad.

(Hair: Darkchyld by Old Gravy, find them in Retrology)

Strix comes with a bat corset and matching panties, a shrug that can be worn with or without gloves extending them or the gloves alone, hotpants with a bat zipper pull that also serve for preserving your dignity with the short skirts, a garter belt with silver bat clasps, batwinged stockings, pasties shaped like little bats, capes in 2 lengths, 2 sets of wings, long glitchpants for under the ballgown skirt, the ballgown skirt scripted to adjust for sitting, 6 shorter skirts, and a heavy dose of insanity, although I think that last part is just for me.

Only available at Crimson Shadow Rezzable until November 9th.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Elsa skins

I think, by now, people know I'm horribly and completely insane. If you didn't before, here's some proof for you: my new skin project. More Frankenstein's monster options than any one person could ever want. Well, ok, except kinda me, as I have a weird thing for monsters.

Face has somewhat face transplant stitching, with dramatic makeup and drawn on long angled brows and a chin dimple. I think this one is my favourite, but then, I like over the top. The stitches can also be brilliantly subtle with hair that has full coverage, just vaguely hinting from certain angles with scars along the jaw. Smile has smokey eyes and shiny vinyl lips on all but the red "Smoke" tone, with stitches making you have a bit of a gruesome smile. Lobotomy has a line of stitching where they may have removed your brain (or replaced it, you never know!), and a pastel line of makeup with smaller shiny lips. Eye has mismatched eyes (and eyebrows) with 2 tones of makeup.

There are 4 upper body options- intact (no stitches), neck (just neck stitches), chest (y-incision, spine, shoulderblade, and arm stitches), and chop (a number of semi chaotic stitches running across the torso. Chop also features no nailpolish, while the rest are shiny black). And 3 lower body options, intact (again, no stitches), leg (one set of stitches on each leg), and chop (multiple leg stitches, as well as on the bum, hip, and tummy, again no nailpolish, the rest are shiny black). All 12 body combinations are included with each head (times two, counting the fact the lower bodies come in both anatomical and "doll" options).

While the examples here show 4 tones, only the pale tone is currently available. Setting up 480 skins damn near broke me (you get 2 skins with each purchase, ladybits and no ladybits, for your wardrobe malfunctioning pleasure). There are currently a halfassed 4 demos, see: setting up skins broke me, so if you want to see something in person, ask me. Those should at least give you an idea of how it will fit your shape.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Good Doctor

The first (and we shall hope not the last, as I'm trying to get things done!) Halloween set from Schadenfreude. Because there's a little bit of mad scientist in all of us.

(skins: Schadenfreude Elsa and Boris; hair on her: Veronique, on him: unreleased and probably staying that way because it is too much of a pita to fit to different head shapes :/)

Long labcoat, short jacket, pants, gloves, assorted sculpted prim addons, goggles that flip up and down at a touch, and a pair of eerily glowing potions for your experiments.

In the elephant, in the basement.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Content theft

I have had to file my first DMCA. Honestly, I would have been more than happy to never have to deal with this process, as, I'm sure, would anyone who has ever been forced to file one.

One of the most frustrating parts of the entire process has been that the other party still does not seem to actually grasp what the problem is, although said party is respecting my cease and desist after I outlined my case. No, I shall not be naming names. We have reached a solution outside of court, and that is, I hope, the end of it.

This seems to be something that many people do not fully grasp (on both sides, both those doing the "stealing" and the victims): Theft of actual textures is not the only form that content theft can take. While one cannot copyright an idea, your implementation of that idea is another story. You cannot just sit looking at something someone else has done and reproduce it without their permission. This is, for instance, why shoppingcartdisco occasionally brings up the problems of reproducing real life items without permission. The actual copyright holder (or their representative) is the one who has to choose to file, the fact they have not does not mean that this practice is protected by law. In my mind, some of this is also a question of ethics, and an example that our world has become too large (in the way in which our brains are wired, we simply aren't constructed to handle the ability to care about this many people as people): would you do the same thing to a friend? Or is it "ok" because it's a stranger?

There are Fair Use allowances, and there is a muddy line between "stealing" and "inspiration" in some cases. However, there are many cases in which neither of these rules apply.

On a personal note, this is the sort of thing that can make one take a step back and say "Is this really worth it, or would my efforts be better directed elsewhere?" This is aggravation that I definitely do not need, and is not good for my well being; were it not for the fact that I have made a number of good friends in Second Life, as well as responsibilities and people who depend upon me, I very well might take all my toys and go home. There are a vast number of other things I could be doing with my time instead, in which I would not have to deal with this sort of thing. As it is, throughout this process I have had far less desire to log in, or to work on things (which is unfortunate, as I have a large number of projects that need to be done on a relatively quick timetable). At least it has been offset by some good (mostly unrelated, thank you, as getting my mind off of it is something required) conversations with people, and have had some nice positive surprises in the time.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Red Elephant Corset

I had to expand the elephant a bit....I sort of started out cramped, and it just got worse from there (vendors on the ceiling....bad idea). I've been working on a basement expansion, which is finally ready to be opened! To commemorate it, there's a corset available in a motif matching the wallpaper in the first room excavated:

(hair is Hannah by Calico Ingmann, eyes as always by Miriel, Bixin pants, Koijini jewelry, currently unreleased skin)

In the elephant, also in the new Lucky Fortune Teller in the basement, bring a friend and try your luck!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


A companion set to Houxin, Bixin was also designed with Trap's Heart skins in mind.

Bixin comes in the same 8 colours, and is out in the elephant, and on OnRez for gifting.

While it was somewhat created as a male set, I am quite fond of it on Alle.

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