Bunnies hanging out in teacups (and a teapot) for
SaNaRae! In the gacha, you get what you see- a bunny in a piece of a tea service. The jackolopes in the stacks can have their antlers hidden to be proper rabbits. All can be attached to carry around, or rezzed at 1 Land Impact each. Bunnies can also be unlinked and separated from their cups, if you so desire to put their little bunny butts elsewhere.

You can also get a copy set of all the bunnies! The copy set also comes with more- all the pieces to "round out" the set, that didn't fit in the gacha. Teacups each come with or without saucers (except the Sakura teacup, which is both handleless and saucerless), empty or full of tea, and a stack of each. The teapot also comes closed, and with an opening lid that is full of tea. The teapot comes in 3 metal options, as do the crowns on the bunnies, and all the cups except Sakura also have a number of options. Bunnies themselves also come with more options- there are lops in the copy set! Everything is texture change with a HUD to customize with all the options, including all the bunnies and jackolopes.
All copy pieces can also be held- cups, saucers, teapot and bunnies in those each have a set hand to attach to. Bunnies alone not in cups can be held in left or right hand- just attach to the hand you want and they will adjust into position.
SaNaRae from April 26 at 7pm SLT to May 16.