Happy year of the rabbit! Japonica is celebrating the new year, and a rabbit has taken the place of the mochi in my kagami mochi 鏡鼠 this year. The bunny comes in or out of the tray, with an orange on the head, the offering tray 三方 and paper, together and separately are also included, 1 LI each piece. If you have Kagami Mochi or Tsukimi Dango offerings from previous years, pick up an update by touching the black sign- there are some more texture options and fixes that have been added to them!

And a new set of 菰樽/飾り樽 sake barrels decorated for the new year, with a maneki neko and a rabbit version, a kumade (rake decorated with lucky symbols to rake in luck) in normal and rabbit version, zodiac clay bell, and a tama usagi (a traditional papier-mâché rabbit of Fukushima Prefecture). Stacks and single barrels, 1 to 2 LI each at about a standard 4-to 72 liter size of about .65 meters tall barrel, with extra shading options to choose from if you are picky in how you stack! (There are versions of top and side shadow boxed so you can stack them on top of each other or next to each other and keep the shading they have in the particular stacks also.) HUD texture all to your desires- set them all the same, choose individual labels to texture to exactly what you want, or let it randomize them for you with the mix button. You can also mix HUDs from other sake barrel sets for more options, even in the same stack.
At Japonica, open December 25 at 8am SLT - January 22 at 8am SLT.