rings: Schadenfreude Waits rings
We <3 RP
tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ Fierce Flora Tattoos ALTERNATE
tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ Eclipse Tattoos
skin: (fashionably dead) Stargazer Skin
top: -Pixicat- Dusk.Top
skirt: -Pixicat- Dusk.Skirt
hands: Slink Casual
pose from Jewelry set by Imperial Elegance
rings: Schadenfreude Waits rings
We <3 RP
tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ Fierce Flora Tattoos ALTERNATE
tattoos: ~silentsparrow~ Eclipse Tattoos
skin: (fashionably dead) Stargazer Skin
top: -Pixicat- Dusk.Top
skirt: -Pixicat- Dusk.Skirt
hands: Slink Casual
pose from Jewelry set by Imperial Elegance
The four sets (I'll Shoot the Moon, The Briar and the Rose, Mockin' Bird, and Lucky Day) include rings set up for Slink Casual and Maitreya hands, each stacked on a hand, with slightly modified versions to wear the two that attach to the same hand. Each ring is also included individually in a box, and all are modify to move and adjust each separate ring for other hands/placements. There is an uberpack that includes all the rings (27 in all), with the entire sets set up on left and right hands, as well as all the rest. All are texture change with 7 metals (gold, antique gold, rose gold, silver, copper, platinum, and gunmetal) and 11 stones (amethyst, rose quartz, smokey quartz, amber, lapis lazuli, malachite, blue turquoise, green turquoise, coral, moonstone, and jet), in a HUD that allows for selecting individual rings, all, or a few chosen.
This month, for Collabor88 New Americana!
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