Vending machines and drinks at the last round of
KURENAI- canned teas with packaging designed after traditional Japanese kokeshi dolls, and canned coffee after Daruma dolls.
自動販売機 vending machines come in three aged finishes- new and clean, a lightly dirty rusted version, and a much rustier older machine that's been out in the world for a while. Each also comes in 2 languages- Japanese
こけし茶 with the prices listed in yen, and English KokeshiTea with the prices listed in L$ (which, as the prices are more analogous to USD, I'm going to call Lustian Dollars, and some day make more currency than just the imitation Hammerer piggy penny). On touch, each machine will give a random can of tea to whoever touches it. You can replace the ad board with the kokeshi dolls with your own choice- the shade map is included so you know what parts will be on display. Each machine is 2 land impact at the display size, including the removable feet and concrete base (I land impact if you remove that for an interior installation!)

There are also display versions of each of the seven flavours of tea (Ocha- green tea, Matcha, Kukicha, Mecha- bud tea, Hojicha, Genmaicha- popcorn tea with added rice, and Mujicha- barley tea). Each piece is 1 land impact, and it includes an open can, a closed can, a can that opens and closes on touch, 3 crushed cans (one crushed down, two squished on their sides), a can "doll" that is 2 cans on top of each other with the front/back of the can design making the kokeshi doll, 3 clusters of 4-5 discarded cans, and a can to wear and drink from (with opening can animation and sound, as well as drinking). The uberpack lets you texture change the cans, so you can mix clusters- and also includes 2 more can "dolls"- a 3 can tall and a 7 can tall.
There is a game to play at this round of
KURENAI too, catch fairies to exchange for prizes! You can get this set of Daruma Coffee
達磨コ ーヒー cans in exchange for game points. There is an open can, a closed can, an opening can, and a worn can to drink from, each in 3 flavors (Sweet with no eyes, Black with one eye filled in, and Ultra with both eyes).
Find them at
KURENAI until August 31 8am SLT!