Way back in the olden days of the first round of Arcade, there was the breakout hit of the Beetlebones Drawf Hamster avatars. They're cute, they're goofy, they roll around and flop, and we loved them. Every year in the summer, there is a festival still devoted to them: even though suetabulous Yootz of Beetlebones has retired from SL, other people are making things to this day for her hamsters, and dressing up as hamsters and playing. As they say: it's big in Japan, especially. I look forward to the Hamster Festival every year- it's cute and goofy and full of weird and wonderful fun stuff, a departure from the more "practical" side of SL (SL isn't practical, but you know what I mean). This year is the first year I found out about it being open for applications early enough to do something about it, so I did!

You will find a pair of stone hamster statues there- these are low key komainu statues, you know the guardian foo dogs that hang out in pairs at entrances, but they do not have to be if you don't want them to be. One is stuffing his face, and the other one is more sedate, both in 3 stone options, with and without pedestal base to sit on (plus extra base if you have any need for that).
Hamfest also often has gifts, so a free gift of one toothed geta for hammy feet. Those little feet are so not made to wear geta, but I prevailed. (You can also try to fit them to some other feet, but I am not optimistic on your chances.) Texture change with some solid strap options, you can also use other Geta Strap HUDs.
Hamster Festival is open July 31 @ 5am SLT to August 20 @ 8am SLT. You don't have to be a hamster to attend: it is open to (and carries things for) all avatars, even non fluffy ones!
If you don't have a hamster avatar but want one: with the death of gacha, since sue is not still active in SL, you can't get them from a gacha anymore! You can still find them on the secondary resale market on the marketplace though, and sue does have a little mainland spot she keeps that has a fatpack of all the hamster avatars: do NOT pay the gacha machines, they do not work, and some are not even scripted at all, it's just leftover menu stuff from when they were!