Thursday, February 8, 2024

Schadenfreude Cupid's Heart with Roses

Cupid is Dead at Collabor88, but I saved his heart just for you.  A heart vase with roses in whites, pinks, reds, and blacks- 23 solid and mixed options.  Change each rose individually or set them all to the same, the vase has  metal options (2 shades of gold, 2 shades of silver, rose gold, and copper) and plastic options (white, black, pale red, and a pastel rainbow with 2 shades of pink).  The heart vase has PBR options of each texture, the HUD allows you to choose between PBR and Specular for each.  (I'm not entirely sold on PBR.  Sometimes it looks great.  Often it looks awful.  Same exact material, depending on where you have it. get to choose if it looks good in your space or not.)  1 LI each vase full of roses.

At Collabor88, February 8 - March 6.

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