Saturday, March 8, 2025

Schadenfreude Portable Forest

X outfit: BEARCAT.EGG ; Artemis Dress & Coat (nieru)
socks: Schadenfreude Autumn Bawdy Socks (allegory.malaprop)
shoes: Schadenfreude Vaasa Boots (allegory.malaprop)
skin: VELOUR Snow tone (kiria.mama)

Bring the Forest Deep home with you from Collabor88, a slice with toadstools in a repurposed lantern casing.  Carry it around in your left or right hand, by your sides or hold it up, or rez it at home at 1 Land Impact.  Texture change with 10 lantern metal options, and 10 mushroom color options- mix and match the three mushrooms to the same or different options.

At Collabor88 March 8 - April 6.

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