(with much thanks to the wonderful hyasynth Tiramisu of ~silentsparrow~ for letting me rope her into being my model _and_ for taking doubleplusawesome picture with a computer that actually has decent lighting and atmospheric whatsits)
I stuck some bat wings on the back of the Lucents last year and have worn them, now and again, ever since. They weren't the right batwings, they weren't shiny like the Lucents at all, and they were only in black and white, but for a little bit of fun for myself it didn't really matter.
I finally decided to go and do it _right_ a few days ago. You can actually blame Ms. Tiramisu there, because not only had she seen the temporary ones and squeeed, but she also came out with effing adorable Cheshire and Batties that lend themselves to ridiculous shades of shiny wings. Only 8 of the Lucents were chosen to be special enough (because 30 is even more than _I_ need for special batwing shoes, I think). There are 2 pairs of shoes together, with just the wings, and with the wings sprouting out of Jerry's little fleshless head, and just the wings themselves for wearing upon your back (because, well, why not, so long as I've got them?)

(on me dyed pink: ~silentsparrow~ Cheshire outfit and belladonna:lepidoptera tattoos, Schadenfreude Joe the Lion skin in pink only at the Skin Expo and Veronique hair, Titania's Court horns from the faun avatar. on the lovely hyasynth in purple: ~silentsparrow~ Batties outfit with ears, Calico Ingmann Cheshire hair, Schadenfreude Joe the Lion skin)
Singles are just the set of both shoes and wings in solids, the fatpack lets you mix and match all the bits from all 8 colours, plus has extra sneaky bonus wing textures for the wings upon your back, of the 2 not so shiny white and black batwings that I'd been playing with before (you can see the black on the lovely Achariya Maktoum).
Find the Lucent Batwings on the Marketplace.