Friday, February 4, 2011

Year of the Bunny

There's a combination birthday/New Year party for the Magic of Oz and Ozimals sims going on right now, with one of the traditional Oz hunts. I'm in it, with eyes! Eyes with little bunnies hidden in them, in green and brown, prim and system.

I chose eyes this time for a very special reason- there's a new Ozimals bunny trait, green eyes named Schadenfreude! Malk and Candy are awesome, and told me about it only AFTER the first occurrence of the trait in breeding- I found out about it after it was announced in Ozimals chat, it was a pretty cool easter egg to log in and find out about (someone else sent me a notecard of the chatlog too!). They are SNEAKY SNEAKY PEOPLE. ♥

Go to the Magic of Oz to start hunting! You might want to get there quick, it ends this weekend, the 6th is the last day. There's lots of other awesome from the rest of the shops in the sims too!

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