All the participants of the fair have special items out to benefit the fair charity, Nothing but Nets, who provide mosquito nets for families in areas of malaria danger. Malaria is not a fun disease- it is the leading cause of death and disease worldwide. It's only curable if caught early enough- and then only if you have access to the treatment, which most of the families helped by Nothing but Nets do not have (and, they would just be at risk for reinfection each time, living in areas of danger). My mother caught malaria when visiting South America as a teenager, but is lucky enough to have had access to modern medicine (and better nutrition) so fatality wasn't an issue, however not lucky enough to have realized that was what it was, until it was far too late to be cured (it's much like a flu at onset). To this day, she has periodic flareups, days of high fevers and lethargy, mitigated but not stopped entirely by quinine.
There is a new Electro-cute available at the fair, teal with a skunk:

(PUDGE Satanic Dance Party 2009 hair, a splice of white and blue black; ~silentsparrow~ fledermaus bathands!; Schadenfreude Electro-cute skull undies, Audrey skin only at Little Horrid Hill, unreleased eyes, and ears to be released soon; Lazy Places poses)
And, for the boys, a pair of 'beaters with the skunk:

(Lazy Places Liir hair; Schadenfreude Cupcakeflake eyes, Orpheus skin, old group gift pants, new group gift plugs, and unreleased belts; poses by Luth)
(The skunks will soon be added to the Electro-cute jewelry fatpack, for those of you with those, I just need to slog through the coding first.)
Come on over and see the fair!
After the event, items will only be available on the Marketplace.