newt (wizarding faire), cuffs, and tattoos by ~silentsparrow~, necklaces from lassitude&ennui (snake eye for wizarding faire), hair by Clawtooth (upcoming c88 round, starts the 8th), shirt by Pig, bookshelf by Alouette (last session of the Arcade)
Mischief Managed is having a
Wizarding Faire- it opened today at noon, and goes until the 20th. There are many wizardly goodies to be had from all sorts of people- including a couple of my sim mates! ~silentsparrow~ has wonderful newts, and lassitude&ennui has fabulous witchy shoes and a selection of necklaces- I'm wearing the snake eyed one there.
From me, you can find three new wands (there will be one last new wand released after the Faire, I like the number 3 better than 4 when it comes to magical things, and also actually more pertinently, I have too much work to do and setting up wands takes quite a chunk of time so I ran out!). Like the
previous three wands, they are texture change with 13 texture options, and two of the three have 2 texture sections so the accents can be a contrasting colour if you choose. They also come with a few spells! There is a new spell added to the previous list, you can now conjure newts! Newts are courtesy of ~silentsparrow~. The old wands have been updated with mesh versions (the ads for them are currently lying about being sculpt, I need to squeeze in time to fix that, but haven't gotten to it yet!), and if you have an old wand you should have gotten a message and an updating wand sent to you last night. Wear an updating wand (the one that came with your wand also works!), and you will be sent a new copy of your wand(s), updated for mesh and materials, with the new newt spell written in your spellbook.
The wands themselves are 1 LI each, if you choose to display them, and with the box are 2-3 LI (3 LI for the unlinked version that you can move around according to your wish, 2LI for the linked version that opens and closes on touch). The
post about the previous wands can give you a little more information about the scripted features they all come with.
There is also a new book! Like the
previous collab book with ~silentsparrow~, it has scripted page flipping and unscripted versions, can be held in the left or right hand for reading, and features original artwork (this time by me!). This one also has some materials on the gilded areas (though not on the flipping pages- materials are not scriptable, so I couldn't switch them out with the proper bits!)
There are also framed prints of each page available in a set, also materials enabled. 1LI each picture, or 1LI each pair linked, 3LI for the set of 5 linked together.

And! Last but certainly not least! A jewelry set with ~silentsparrow~, with her original animal art, and my original mesh (do I have to say this? I guess I should. I don't use templates, I make all my own mesh- it means I can do what I really want to do, am not limited to using someone else's building blocks, and I have full control over how textures and everything work. All those things above? Also all my own original mesh and you won't find them anywhere else- with the exception of the frames, which you might find elsewhere eventually because I do sell full perm mesh frames on the Marketplace, but not this style frame yet- and I'll probably only ever sell basic full perm stuff like that. Same goes with anything I make unless I make a point of saying a friend did stuff with me for it- and that goes for texturing too, but I do collabs with textures with friends more often! Like these!). The jewelry set consists of earrings, a necklace, and a ring, and there's a set with each house animal set in a shield crest. The metals are texture change with 11 options (golds and silvers and coppers and pewters and irons of varying shades).

All only to be found at the
Wizarding Faire right now!