Tish is rather what my hair tends to be if I don't run out and get haircuts all the time, as my hair grows fast, and I will, at times, just let it. (Well, actually, it goes a little bit longer and I sit on it, but close enough.) In fact, until a few weeks ago, Tish was my hair again, and then I hacked it all off one night and it is now more Fairuza. You can mix roots and tips a bit with the fatpack- the most options are with the black and white tips, as you can go coloured roots to black or white to coloured tips, as well as just roots or tips and whatnot. The singles include roots, tips, and both (the same roots and tips colours), in the tips packs. I finally tackled Tish, after playing around with long hair for years and never really being happy with the front, so I could wear it in the Striga ads, because, well, it's what should have been worn in those!
(on the demon lurking in the back: retired Miriel eyes; Schadenfreude Langwidere Smudged skin, Striga dress, Batwing Lucents wings. on the poor haunted soul in the foreground: Nomine doll skin without joins; Schadenfreude batbeater; retired Miriel eyes. Poses in both by Luth)
Thom is a case of me not having enough boy hair. Ok, not having enough boy hair I can use when I'm looking for something in particular, as I seem to always gravitate towards the floppy over the eyes dammit I can't see the makeup on this skin and my inventory is a mess. Thom is also pretty hot on girls, if I do say so myself.
(on the demon lurking in the back: retired Miriel eyes; Schadenfreude Orpheus Siouxsie skin, batbeater. on the unsuspecting innocent in the foreground: Schadenfreude Orpheus Clean skin, Teal Oxford shirt; retired Miriel eyes. Poses in both by Luth)
Wendy's been sitting in my inventory for a bit while I put off coding the bows and dealing with all the rest of it. It has the same 24 ribbon colours as the bows from the Electro-cute hairbows, all packs come with a HUD to select the ribbons of your choice (you can also mismatch them, so left and right bows do not match, if you are so inclined, as well as, with the fatpack, mixing the hair so half is one colour, half the other). The tips packs come with the alternate colour at the roots, or the tips (and the HUD has a little toggle for flipping back and forth).
(on Miss Loretta lurking in the back: retired Miriel eyes; ~silentsparrow~ Lottie dress; Schadenfreude Langwidere Smudged skin, My Mother's Eyes jewelry. on the dear sweet girl you'd never expect to do wrong in the foreground: Schadenfreude Langwidere Clean skin, Wolsey dress; retired Miriel eyes. Poses in both by Luth)
Hair is now available exclusively on the marketplace.
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